Monday, November 24, 2008

Week VI: Care

In chapter six, Dr. Wolfson shares a simple truth:
Everyone wants to make a difference.
How do we do that? By doing simple acts of caring and kindness…

Dr. Wolfson shares a story made popular in the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book. The story’s origins are not well known, but it seems to be based loosely on an essay by scientist and poet, Loren Eisley. Today there are literally hundreds of versions of the story and it is told over and over again on the Internet, in graduation speeches, etc. Why? Because it illustrates a basic truth: every act you do matters to someone or something in God’s Universe.

The gist of the story:
A man walking along a beach meets someone picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back in the ocean, saving them from certain death. There are hundreds of starfish strewn on the sand. The observer comments that the star thrower’s efforts seem futile; he cannot possibly make a difference. As the star thrower tosses another live starfish into the sea, he says, “Made a difference to that one.” (God’s To-Do-List: 103 Ways to be an Angel and Do God’s Work on Earth (Jewish Lights, 2007, p 68)

The question for us then: how will WE make a difference?

God’s To-Do List Suggestions (Dr. Wolfson)

51. Make a difference in someone’s life today by simply caring: hold a door for a stranger, hug a loved one.

52. Perform a random act of kindness – on purpose.

56. Bring coffee and a treat – cookies, bagels, cake – to the office.

59. Never part from your loved ones without kissing them good-bye, no matter what.

60. Always say “I love you” at the end of phone calls with loved ones and friends. You never know whether it will be your last opportunity to tell them.

God’s To-Do List Suggestions (Rabbi Locketz)

1. Pick up the phone and a call a friend or relative that you haven’t spoken to in a while – just because.

2. Do something thoughtful and unexpected for a friend or family member such as surprising your spouse or children with their favorite meal – prepared without asking.

3. Help an elderly neighbor with yard work or (this time of year) shoveling the driveway or walkway.

4. Say hello (with a smile!) to someone you don’t know and watch them smile back at you.

God’s To-Do List Suggestions (Yours!)

What is on YOUR list this week?


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