Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week II - Bless

So how did we do last week?

Did you "cross off" some of the things on your list? Remember that many things will always be on our list...we will want (and need) to do them again and again...

There are so many ways that we can CREATE. Each of us has the potential to be creative. What did you do to tap into that creative quality that we all posess???

By the way, our Temple Sukkot look beautiful. Thank you to everyone who decided to use their creativity in that way!

Week II: Bless - You are God's partner and you have the power to bless.

God's To-Do List Suggestions (Dr. Wolfson's from God’s To-Do-List: 103 Ways to be an Angel and Do God’s Work on Earth (Jewish Lights, 2007, p 34)):

11. Bless your children and spouse (on Shabbat...for the traditional words of blessing check out the "Blessings Over Children" on or make up your own!)

15. If someone gives you great service, ask the person for the name of her/his boss and write a thank-you note.

16. Ask God's blessings for the food you eat, safe journeys and healing.

18. When someone asks for your blessing, give it.

God's To-Do List Suggestions (Rabbi Locketz)

1. Make a list each night of (at least 5) things with which you are blessed. The list may be the same each day...then again it might not!

2. Come to Simchat Torah services here at Temple Emanuel next Monday evening (October 20th) at 7 pm. Help us bless and honor our newest Torah Center (religious school) students. Bring your dancing shoes - it will be a fun evening!

3. Bless your home or even a room in your house (if you haven't already) with a mezuzah. Buy one that you think is beautiful or particularly meaningful. Or put up the one your child made in Torah Center. Recite the blessings that sanctify your home. (I would be happy to give you the text of the blessings!)

4. Thank family and friends - with a note, email or phone call - for the blessings that they have brought you.

God's To-Do List Suggestions (Yours...)
What is on YOUR list this week?

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